Fun Ways To Remember Your WHY

Monday, May 23, 2022 | Coaches, Featured, Lifestyle

Hi all! Coach Mindy here, and we are going to explore ways we can keep our WHY front and center in our minds. Our WHY is so important. It improves our motivation, help builds confidence and clarity, it inspires us to make goals, and it keeps us focused. So aside from having your WHY written out and visible so that you see it often, there are some other fun ways you can keep your WHY in the spotlight.

Vision Boards:

A great way to get inspired is getting crafty with some images that reflect your WHY. Have fun looking through magazines and newspapers to find words and pictures that inspire you. You can paste them on a poster board or a piece of card stock to display in an area where you will see it often.

Mobile Inspo:

Similar to the vision board, you can google images that Inspire you and make a collage using a photo editing app. You can then set that collage to display as your phone Wallpaper, screen saver or home screen. Another option is to find an inspiring quote that speaks to you, or even create a graphic using your actual WHY statement as your phones Wallpaper.

Create a Journal:

Reflecting on your WHY daily and keeping track of your goals and dreams is an awesome way to set your daily Intention. Use a journal to collect your thoughts.

Keep A Calendar:

Using a calendar, place a sticker or write a little note on each day you met your goals. This is a fun little way to track your habits.

Creating Powerful Anchors:

Here is a great article that explains how to create anchors to keep you focused and committed to your WHY and your goals.